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From idea to MVP: How to validate your business idea

Wondering how to develop your idea? Discover the process of how entrepreneurs can test their ideas before building a business.

The report covers:

  • Introduction to the validation process

    You’ve got your idea – what’s next?

  • Plan: The business model canvas

    What are the benefits of a business model canvas as opposed to a business plan and how can you build one?

  • Build: The MVP

    Introduction to design sprints, what key questions should you be asking yourself and how not to build an MVP.

  • Measure: Quantitative and qualitative data

    Which KPIs should you look at and how best to interview your customers.

  • Learn: Pivot or persevere

    What has your MVP showed you? Should you be pivoting?

Idea to MVP

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CookiesHQ is a software development company and technical partner for businesses. Since 2011, we’ve worked with dozens of startups and scale ups. Naturally, we’ve built up a wealth of knowledge that we hope to share with you to kickstart your business journey.

We have helped multiple startups build, launch and scale their MVPs, such as Pulsenotes and Good Sixty. This has shown us the ideal process that entrepreneurs should take to validate their business idea.

If you are looking for support building MVP, we are more than happy to have a chat (we can’t wait to hear about your big idea!) and in the meantime, we hope that you enjoy this free report.

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