Linode stack script Rails/Passenger/Nginx ready
We’ve started by updating the stack script that we’ve been using in the past, and added some functions to it.
You can find the stack script on Linode stack scripts base
It will allow you to select your Database password, SSH port, Rails env install, deploy user and ruby version (default to 2.0.0-p247)
It will install everything your expect on your server including passenger, Nginx, system wide RVM.
Once done the last thing you need to do is to configure your ~/.ssh/config file with your new Port.
Capistrano database.yml deployement
The next thing we needed was a common and easy way to deploy our database.yml file to each new project.
Once install on your fresh project, when you will run cap [env] deploy:setup
the script will ask you for a database username, password and name and set all this to a database.yml file in your shared path.
Then on each deploy, this file will be linked to your last release config folder.
Quick and easy.
We hope it helps