Learn by doing, help by sharing.
We tackle complex problems and write about what we discover.
Developers are interpreters in search of context
You might not need to spend a fortune to create a happy workplace
The If and What If method to help you develop more rounded features.
Why we sponsor events and an introduction to our "do good" budget.
How relevant is Ruby on Rails in 2016 for web application development?
On regular staff one-to-ones and our extreme no internet challenge
How to receive webhooks in your Ruby on Rails application - Part 1
3 tips for a better use of Tmuxinator in your team
Result of our January asynchronous stand-up experiment, and February deep work experiment
Why are we A/B testing asynchronous stand-ups?
Can you A/B test a team?
We solve problems and achieve goals.
Get ideas, insight and inspiration on the blog and learn more about why we’re the ideal team for your project.