Online licensing and trading platform for TV rights. Creators of original software for cataloguing distribution.
Software that reduced the time it takes for the TRX team to import data from weeks to hours.
Streamlining the TV rights industry
Established in 2015, The RightsXchange (TRX) quickly established a reputation as a fast and easy way for TV buyers and sellers to meet online.
TRX enables entire rights deals to be completed online – from browsing content to signing a deal and making a payment. They are currently live worldwide with over 110 major rights holders, including BBC Studios, Sky Vision and Lionsgate. Channel 4 was a major investor in their last funding round.
As more distributors joined the platform, the TRX team found themselves wasting too much time manually managing the catalogue of distribution rights. The solution was to create an independent piece of software – that would integrate with their main product – to manage the catalogue.
Since the team was already tied to a delivery schedule, TRX realised they’d need help creating this software.

Saving time with a custom solution
Dan Jacobs is TRX’s Chief Technical Officer. He currently manages an ever-growing team developers and – like a lot of scale-ups’ CTOs – works to strict time constraints.
When the time-wasting issue was identified, Dan realised that creating a companion application in-house wasn’t the best use of his development team’s time.
Dan needed to find a development team that:
- understood rapid software development processes
- could work independently and wouldn’t need to be micromanaged
- could clearly communicate blockers and milestones
- had a reputation for excellent Ruby on Rails development.
Dan first heard about CookiesHQ from a London Ruby mailing list. He got in touch with us and it took just a few video calls for him to see that we’d be the right team for the project.
Only a few weeks after starting to work on the tool – now called the Availability Ingester app – we delivered a finished product that integrates seamlessly with their main product.
More importantly, we completed the whole development with minimal disruption to their main application delivery schedule. The collaboration went so well that we’re now discussing phase two of the project – adding more useful features for the account team.
Technologies used: Ruby on Rails

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